User Manual

The Config Widget is Here

There are 4 buttons in the Widget which do the following.

Button 1 (logo). This Enables/Disables Cadpage. When disabled Cadpage will not catch calls and the other 2 icons are hidden.

Button 2 (Bell). This Enables/Disables Notifications. When Disabled you will receive no notifications.

Button 3 (Talk Bubble). This Enables/Disables Pop Up Alerts. When disabled you will not receive a PopUp on new calls.

Button 4 (Number Box). This shows the number of Unread messages. When Pressed it will open the CADPage App.

    Button 4 is currently broken in that it does not automatically update the number. We are working on this.


(Screenshots coming)


Main Screen:


When you start CADPage you will see the call history screen. This will be empty when you first start. As you receive calls this will display the most recent calls with the newest one on top.


Click: select a call to have it re-display the popup alert.

Long-Click: Brings up a menu that allows you to "Open, Ack, Map, Lock, Delete, or Report Problem" for that call.

                If you have a problem with a call use the Report Problem Option.


Menu Screen:


There are three options in the Preferences/Menu Screen.




Notifications Menu:

Additional Settings:


Location Information: