Cadpage was created by Fire/EMS Personnel that wanted a better
way to get their calls and map them. [http://code.google.com/p/cadpage/wiki/Disclaimer Disclaimer]
== How does Cadpage work ? ==
Cadpage requires that you already receive or can receive your fire/ems pages to your phone as an SMS text message or as a direct page from one of our direct paging vendors. Information is parsed from these text messages and displayed as a popup dialog. The address information can be sent to Google Maps to generate a map of the incident location. Cadpage works best if we have a location parser for your specific text format, but there are generic location parsers that often do a decent job while we work on writing a location specific parser for you.
Cadpage will *NOT* start picking up alerts for a given location just because you select a location. The location you select only tells Cadpage how to interpret alerts that you have previously arranged to be sent to your phone.
== How do I get started ? ==
The first step is to go into the location settings, select a single location, and then see if we have a location set up for where you happen to live. If we do, select it and see if things start working. If not, check out the section on requesting a new location.
If things still aren't working, check out the section on Basic Troubleshooting.
== Is Cadpage going to remain a free app? ==
Absolutely, well, sort of. That depends on what you mean by free. OK, its a long story you can read about here.
== How can I request a new location ? ==
To add a new location we need 5-10 sample text messages from your dispatch. Please include what County/City/Company these pages are for so we can place it in the right grouping. Please try to include 1-2 calls with intersections so we can parse those correctly. Include any details you can regarding how the messages are formatted. If possible please include what email the messages come from.
We also need to know what agency is generating these messages and some idea of what other departments receive the same message formats. If you can identify the CAD software that is sending your text pages that would help a lot.
All of this needs to be emailed to are main support address support@cadpage.org. If they are already in Cadpage call history, long press each call and select "Report Problem" to send them to us. Otherwise, you can forward text messages to that address, or copy and past them into a regular email or generate an email in Cadpage which will include the last text message. Once we have this information we can add the location to the list and get it added.
In the meantime, try using the general location setting and set the from: filter to whoever appears in the from: field of your page text messages. That will usually give you some degree of functionality while you are waiting for full location support.
== What is so special about CodeMessaging and Active911 ==
CodeMessaging and Active911 are two of many messages services that receive the emergency dispatch alert messages from dispatch centers and forward them to the responders. What is special about these two is that they can push alert pages to Cadpage directly through the data networks, without relying on SMS text messages. This avoids the fees and length restrictions associated with text messages. Since both agencies share the income they get with us, we do not expect or required Cadpage users receiving direct pages from either agency to pay anything for Cadpage.
== Basic Troubleshooting ==
Are you getting text pages from your dispatch center? CadPage works by processing those text messages, if you haven't arranged to have them sent to your device, CadPage will not do anything for you.
If you are getting messages going through to your messaging app, check to make sure that they are not MMS messages. You do this by long pressing on one of the messages and selecting view message details. This should tell you whether or not the message is an SMS text message or an MMS message. If it is an MMS message, you have to to enable MMS message processing in the location settings. But first read all of the warnings and disclaimers at http://www.cadpage.org/faq/mms-message-support.
Wait until the next text pages comes in. If it still does not trigger CadPage, then use the send email to developer feature to send us an email report. This should include the most recently received text message, whether or not it was processed by CadPage, which gives us a lot of information we need to resolve the problem.
If the messages are triggering CADpage, but will not allow you to select map option: Long press the message to open the options menu and select the "Report Problem" menu item. This will generate an email containing all of the information we should need to track down the problem with this message. You can get the same menu options from the call history screen by long pressing one of the call entries.
== I'm not getting credit for an Android Market subscription purchase ==
This happens from time to time, especially after you get a new phone or wipe an existing one
Try going into settings, press Payment Status > Recalculate Payment Status
That should reload your payment status from the market which will usually fixes things.
If it doesn't you should double check that you have the same Android Market account that you did on the previous phone. Open the Market app, press menu, then accounts to view and possibly change your market account, then try the reload payment status again.
If that fails, try making a second Android purchase. If that succeeds, let us know so I can refund the first purchase.
If nothing works, contact us again. We have a couple other tricks up our sleeves.
== Does Cadpage support MMS message CAD alerts ==
Yes, with lots of qualifications and disclaimers. See MMS Message Support for details.
== Will Cadpage support Email message CAD alerts ==
Basically no. After the work involved in getting Cadpage to support MMS messages, we concluded that email page support was just going to be too difficult and unnecessary. All cell network vendors maintain email address that will turn email into SMS or MMS text messages. You can either forward or direct your email alerts to these addresses.
For Verizon, the email address are
NNNNNNNNNN@vtext.com for text messages and
NNNNNNNNNN@vzwpix.com for MMS messages
Or, we do have a Cadpage Paging Service for paid subscribers. If you set this up, it assigns you a dispatch email address. If you have email alerts sent to this dispatch email address, they will be forwarded directly to Cadpage running on your device.
== When will CADPage available IPhone users ? ==
There is an IOS version of Cadpage now, but it is published and supported by someone else. Apple puts a lot more restrictions on what IPhone apps can do, and one if the things they cannot do is intercept incoming SMS and MMS messages. Which means the only way Cadpage/IOS can work is if you get direct pages from CodeMessaging.net or Active911.com. If you are already getting your alerts through CodeMessaging, this is a viable alternative. If not, we recomend signing up with the Active911 message servcie and using their IOS client app.
== Why are CAD pages still going to my messaging app? ==
If you have Android 4.4 or better on your phone, that is just the way things are going to be. More more technical details see KitKat issues
Otherwise, there is an option in the location settings to pass CAD pages through to you SMS messaging app. But if you do not have that set, this is probably because you are using Go SMS as your messaging app. A recent update to this app bumped the priority of the incoming SMS message filter to the highest possible value, which means it is no longer possible for us to get in front of them and prevent SMS text messages from appearing in their app. We have complained to their support department with no effect. Other that complaining to the Go SMS people, our best advice would be to switch to Handcent or some other messaging app.
== What Locations are currently supported ? ==
Lots! And if your current location is not supprted, we will be happy to add it.
== How do I change the Mapping program Cadpage uses to map locations ==
Open Cadpage Settings and select
Mapping Options > Mapping App Option
and select the appropriate mapping app. We currently support Waze and OsmAnd, but those options will only appear if you have those apps installed on your device.
== The back button does not close the call detail window anymore ==
The regular back button no longer works when a call popup window is visible request a user response acknowledgment. This was an attempt to fix an occasional problem where Cadpage appeared to display the wrong call when an alert was received. After a lot of work, we determined this happened when the user was grabbing the phone to check on a new alert, and in the process accidentally touched the back button and the bottom call visible in the call history window. Now you have to press one of the response menu buttons before the back key will work normally.
There should always be a response button indicates no response so you can close the response menu without doing anything. If whoever sets up the response buttons did not do that, you can add your own. Detailed instructions on how to do that follow.
If you want a response button that does what the back button used to do, there is a configurable close button. In Cadpage settings, select
Additional Buttons > Button Configuration > Response Buttons
then one of the regular button slots to add a close button to your response button menu.
If you are getting direct pages from CodeMessaging or Active911, you may have to change the "Direct Paging Message Menu" to ensure your buttons remain available when a direct page alert comes in.
This is also where you would add your own, "I am not responding, please go away" button. Pick any one of the 6 response button slots, set the Description setting to whatever text you want to appear on the button and leave the Phone/Code setting empty.
== What is the deal with all of the new map buttons and options ==
When you add a configurable map button to the call display, it can generate up to three different map buttons depending on different circumstances.
Map Addr - requests a map by street address, which is the usual way things are done
Map GPS - requests a map by GPS coordinates. This will only appear if dispatch has included GPS coordinates for this call.
Map Page - displays the department map page if it is available. Currently these are only available for Benton County, OR.
The GPS Mapping option is now in the Mapping Options settings. Before this controlled whether the street address or GPS coordinates would be used for all map requests. Now it only determines whether the Map Addr or the Map GPS button appears first.
If you do not want the extra map buttons to appear, there are options in the Main Button Configuration menu to inhibit them.
If your department map book pages are available online, you can use the Email the Developer setting to request we add map page support for your department.
== My question isn't listed here ==
You can ask for help by sending an email to support <at> cadpage.org. Or you can go into the Cadpage settings and select the Email the Developers item.
If you have a question or problem about a specific Cadpage call. You can long press the call and select Report Problem from the option menu.