
I would think this would be common sense and would not require a written disclaimer but here goes anyway.

This application is meant to be an aid to Fire/EMS personnel. This application receives messages as an SMS text from your local dispatch. It then attempts to decode the text into a format that can be used to show the location on Google Maps.

This application should NOT be used as a primary dispatch method. Neither the developers or Google will be responsible for sending you to the wrong address or mapping errors. It is your responsibility to determine if the address looks to be correct and to have an alternate means of verification. This is a supplemental aid only and can be wrong, fail to operate correctly, crash, or in some other way not work as intended which usually happens at the worst time possible. We try to make the app work in the best manner possible and to not crash and in general it should not attract hungry brown bears to your location. However there are no guarantees made.

Thanks, Derrick